High-Gain BN-86 balun tests.
The High-Gain BN-86 is a broadband 50 Ohm ferrite current balun. Usable from 3 to 30 MHz recommended, by the manufacturer, for all HF Yagi antennas. I found two BN-86 in my junk boxes, i connected them back to back as shown hereunder. Let's play with the miniVNA Pro.

SWR and Z
As shown on the photo. One side of the balun couple is connected to the miniVNA Pro 'DUT' port, the other side to a 50 Ohms load. The DL2SBA vna/J software used in 'reflection' mode display the following graph.

Transmission loss (TL)
The miniVNApro 'DUT' and 'DET' ports are connected on the balun couple. Note; the loss values indicated are for two baluns. The DL2SBA vna/J software used in 'transmission' mode display the following graph.

The transmission losses are very low from 3 MHz to 30 MHz. The BN-86 is rated by High-Gain for 1500 watts pep. Download the BN-86 instruction manuel in .pdf format.
